
Dive into our blogs and discover a treasure trove of insights, success stories, and expert tips on outsourcing, virtual assistance, and workforce management. Explore valuable resources to elevate your business and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic business landscape.
Virtual Assistant Summit 2024: Unveiling Opportunities and Empowering Aspiring Virtual Assistants and Job Seekers
Recognizing the prevalent challenges encountered by youth, fresh graduates, and community members in securing employment opportunities. WrkPod took proactive steps by organizing the Virtual Assistant Summit 2024. Held on July…
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From Shutdown to Success: Colin Fragar’s Council Approval Journey with WrkPod’s Offshore Outsourcing for Town Planning
In the competitive world of property development, Colin Fragar, the founder of Council Approval, faced a pivotal moment that nearly led to shutting down his business. However, with determination and…
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“We Want You Back Home” – Rediscovering the Riches of Negros Oriental
In the hustle and bustle of urban life, it’s easy to get swept away by the fast-paced rhythm of the big cities. Many of our talented Negros Oriental natives have…
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Expanding Opportunities: WrkPod Opens Doors for 445 Virtual Assistants in 2024
In the spirit of growth and transformation, WrkPod is set to kick off 2024 with a monumental expansion at Level 1 of WrkPod Headquarters. This strategic move will create opportunities…
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Holiday Party 2023: A Festive Gala to Remember!
The atmosphere at the WrkPod Holiday Party 2023 was nothing short of a jubilant celebration. More than 400 Virtual Assistants convened. This transformed the event into a vibrant and unforgettable…
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Unveiling WrkPod’s Exceptional Mural Artist: A Glimpse into Bragg’s Artistry
At WrkPod, we treasure the diversity of talents within our community, and among these gems is Bragg, our vibrant 29-year-old mural artist. Born and raised in Sibulan, Negros Oriental, Bragg…
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Our First Annual Sports Fest
At WrkPod, we’re more than work. We build community, foster friendships, and promote well-being among our dedicated Virtual Assistants through monthly social events. Our inaugural Sports Fest last July at…
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Marielle: Nurturing Leadership Excellence at WrkPod
WrkPod takes immense pride in not just hiring incredible talent but also in nurturing and developing the full potential of each team member. Today, we’d like to shine the spotlight…
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WrkPod Partners with Time Doctor to Help Clients & VAs
In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work, optimising team performance has become a paramount concern for businesses worldwide. To meet this need, WrkPod has partnered with Time Doctor, providing our…
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